Scheduled Classes

For Enrolled Participants Only

We are working diligently to maintain continuity of services.  We have our groups on-line and we are learning daily lessons on how to make this process work and then to work more effectively.  This system is getting smoother and easier as we progress.

YOU MUST ALL have an account on .  Your fee will be paid automatically each week.  If there is any problem, please let us know as much in advance as possible.  You will not be overcharged and any necessary refunds will be issued.




1:30pm - 3:00pm


Stalking Class

Meeting Room One

Meeting number: 626 618 572 • Password: 6j2fFPrps3j

Stalking Class
Hosted by Meeting Room One

Mondays  from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes | Occurs every Monday

Meeting number: 626 618 572

Password: 6j2fFPrps3j

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 626 618 572

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



1:00pm - 2:00pm


Lidia Individual Session

Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 624 478 649 • Password: EPpAZv7EH43

Stalking Class
Hosted by Meeting Room One

Mondays  from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM | 1 hour | Occurs every Monday

Meeting number: 624 478 649

Password: EPpAZv7EH43

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 626 618 572

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



3:30pm - 5:00pm



Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 2555 376 4279 Password: yaGybWmp377 (92492967 from phones and video systems)

Hosted by Meeting Room Two

Monday, from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes | Every Monday

Meeting number: 2555 376 4279

Password: yaGybWmp377 (92492967 from phones and video systems)

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)
Access code: 255 537 64279

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



4:00pm - 6:00pm


Child Abuse

Meeting Room One

Meeting number: 620 364 104 • Password: mBDdt5xf3p3

Child Abuse
Hosted by Meeting Room One

Monday, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Monday 

Meeting number: 620 364 104
Password: mBDdt5xf3p3

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 620 364 104


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the “Join Meeting” button and it will take you right to the meeting. 



5:30pm - 7:30pm


Child Abuse

Meeting Room Three

Meeting Number: 2551 012 0022 Password: cmSiAn74aW9

Facilitated Child Abuse Course 1012CAFM5300-7300 Monday’s 5:30 to 7:30 PM Weekly

Hosted in Meeting Room 3

Monday, 5:30 PM | 2 hours | (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Occurs every Monday from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 2551 012 0022

Password: cmSiAn74aW9 (26742674 from phones and video systems)

Agenda: Facilitated Child Abuse Class Monday’s 5:30 to 7:3011 PM Weekly Group Treatment Program Course 1012CAFM530-730

Join by phone

+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Access code: 255 101 20022

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the “Join Meeting” button and it will take you right to the meeting. 



5:30pm - 7:30pm


Domestic Violence

Meeting Room One

Meeting Number: 2554 313 0399 Password: 8Xp8MVJKn3Y

Domestic Violence Class Monday’s 5:30 to 7:30 PM Weekly
Hosted by Meeting Room 1

Monday, 5:30 pm | 2 hours | (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Occurs every Monday from 5:30 AM to 7:30 PM, (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 2554 313 0399

Password: 8Xp8MVJKn3Y (89786855 from phones and video systems)

Agenda: Weekly Domestic Violence Facilitated Treatment Program Monday’s 5:30-7:30 PM – Course 2010

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Access code: 255 431 30399

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the “Join Meeting” button and it will take you right to the meeting. 



6:00pm - 8:00pm


Domestic Violence

Meeting Room One

Meeting number: 627 152 639 • Password: PMgU3mqDT48

Domestic Violence
Hosted by Meeting Room One

Monday, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Monday 

Meeting number: 627 152 639
Password: PMgU3mqDT48

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 627 152 639


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the “Join Meeting” button and it will take you right to the meeting. 



5:00pm - 7:00pm


Lidia • Elder Abuse

Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 621 900 372 • Password: knGfHP3yw86 (56434739 from phones and video systems)

Elder Abuse
Hosted by Meeting Room Two

Monday, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM | 2 hours | Every Monday

Meeting number: 621 900 372

Password: knGfHP3yw86 (56434739 from phones and video systems)

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)
Access code: 626 011 616


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



5:00pm - 7:00pm


Child Abuse . . . (Jason)

Meeting Room Three

Meeting number: 623 185 488 • Password: w7AxJXGh7d7 (97295944 from phones and video systems)

Monday 5-7 pm
Hosted by Meeting Room 3

Mondays 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM | 2 hours |

Meeting number: 623 185 488

Password: w7AxJXGh7d7 (97295944 from phones and video systems)

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 623 185 488


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining




10:00am - 12:00pm


Child Abuse

Meeting Room One

Meeting number: 182 998 9375 Password: sJK4mGniX59

Child Abuse
Hosted by Meeting Room One

Tuesday, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Tuesday

Meeting number: 182 998 9375
Password: sJK4mGniX59

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 182 998 9375


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on Join Meeting and it will take you right to the meeting. 



5:00pm - 7:00pm


Domestic Violence

Meeting Room One

Meeting number: 622 220 833 • Password: qKH8rDkKp54

domestic violence
Hosted by Meeting Room One

Tuesday, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Tuesday 

Meeting number: 622 220 833
Password: qKH8rDkKp54

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 622 220 833


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on Join Meeting and it will take you right to the meeting. 



5:00PM to 7:00PM


Child Abuse

Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 2556 218 3512 Password: EJa6GqjHC34

Child Abuse Facilitated 1003CAFT5-7 5:00 to 7:00 PM
Hosted by Meeting Room Two

Tuesday, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Tuesday

Meeting number: 2556 218 3512

Password: EJa6GqjHC34 (35264754 from phones and video systems)

Join by phone

+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)

Access code: 255 621 83512


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on Join Meeting and it will take you right to the meeting. 



7:30PM to 9:30PM


Child Abuse

Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 2555 408 7334 Password: JxjivuDp353

Child Abuse Facilitated 1010CAFT7:30-9:30
Hosted by Meeting Room Two

Tuesday, from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Tuesday

Meeting number: 2555 408 7334
Password: JxjivuDp353

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 255 540 87334


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on Join Meeting and it will take you right to the meeting. 




3:00pm - 5:00pm


Child Abuse

Meeting Room Two – Jason

Meeting number: 626 099 089 • Password: PZuRWBWV544

child abuse jason
Hosted by Meeting Room Two

Wednesday, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Wednesday 

Meeting number: 626 099 089
Password: PZuRWBWV544

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)
Access code: 626 099 089


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on “Join Meeting” button and it will take you right to the meeting. 



4:00pm - 6:00pm


Child Abuse Oceanside

Meeting Room One

Meeting number: 629 076 394 • Password: 47fuCcYSkA2 (47382297 from phones and video systems)

Child Abuse Oceanside
Hosted by Meeting Room One

Wednesday, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Wednesday 

Meeting number: 629 076 394
Password: 47fuCcYSkA2 (47382297 from phones and video systems)

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 629 076 394


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on “Join Meeting” button and it will take you right to the meeting. 



6:00pm - 8:00pm


Domestic Violence Oceanside

Meeting Room One

Meeting number: 622 489 919 • Password: BUmMbD4Ff32

DV Oceanside
Hosted by Meeting Room One

Wednesday, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Wednesday 

Meeting number: 622 489 919
Password: BUmMbD4Ff32

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 622 489 919


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on “Join Meeting” button and it will take you right to the meeting. 



5:30pm - 7:30pm


Woman’s Facilitated Domestic Violence Class 5003DVWF

Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 2553 049 4109 • Password: y9sG4yU6fUd

Woman’s Facilitated Domestic Violence Class 5003DVWF

Hosted by Room 2 – Affordable Online Classes – 2

Wednesday, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM | 2 hours | Occurs every Wednesday

Meeting number: 2553 049 4109
Password: y9sG4yU6fUd (99744986 from phones and video systems)

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)

Access code: 255 304 94109


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on “Join Meeting” button and it will take you right to the meeting. 




5:00PM - 7:00PM


Child Abuse

Meeting Room One 

Meeting number: 628 979 689 • Password: mKZuMXkb766

Hosted by Meeting Room One

From 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM | 2 hours | every Thursday

Meeting number: 628 979 689

Password: mKZuMXkb766

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 628 979 689

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



6:00PM - 8:00PM


Child Abuse

Meeting Room Three

Meeting number: 628 979 689 • Password: mKZuMXkb766

Hosted in Meeting Room 3

Thursday, 6:00 pm | 2 hours | (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Occurs every Thursday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 2557 452 0269

Password: XhF729dsPtH (94372937 from phones and video systems)

Agenda: Weekly Facilitated Child Abuse Course 1011CAFTH6-8 Group Meeting utilizing Workbook/Course and Weekly Journal

Join by phone

+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Access code: 255 745 20269

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



5:30PM - 7:30PM


Domestic Violence

Meeting Room One

Meeting number: 2556 232 5766 • Password: 6CPu3kdSnf8

Hosted by Meeting Room One

From 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM | 2 hours | every Thursday

Meeting number: 2556 232 5766
Password: 6CPu3kdSnf8

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 2556 232 5766

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



6:00PM - 8:00PM


Domestic Violence Mission Valley

Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 629 639 844 • Password: pvPN6uUJK28

Hosted by Meeting Room Two

From 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM | 2 hours | every Thursday

Meeting number: 629 639 844

Password: pvPN6uUJK28

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)
Access code: 629 639 844

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



4:00PM - 5:30PM


Stalking Group 4002

Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 182 462 6040 Password: PMp5jPZwk63

Hosted by Meeting Room Two

From 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM | 2 hours | every Thursday

Meeting number: 182 462 6040

Password: PMp5jPZwk63 (76755799 from phones and video systems)​

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)
Access code: 182 462 6040

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



6:00PM - 7:30PM


Stalking Group 4003

Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 2554 589 1028 Password: FhpJ35AVvP3

Hosted by Meeting Room Two

From 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes | every Thursday

Meeting number: 2554 589 1028

Password: FhpJ35AVvP3 (34753528 from phones and video systems)

Agenda: Weekly Stalker Group Treatment Program

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)
Access code: 255 458 91028

Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining




9:30AM - 11:30AM


Child Abuse Group (Jason)

Meeting Room One

Meeting number: 126 383 0965 • Password: 6Wx3xHmvda3

1007 CAG Sat 9:30-11:30
Hosted by Meeting Room 1

Saturday, from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM | 2 hours | Every Saturday

Meeting number: 126 383 0965

Password: 6Wx3xHmvda3 (69939468 from phones and video systems)


Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 126 383 0965


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



9:00AM - 11:00AM


Domestic Violence (Racel)

Meeting Room Three

Meeting number: 628 511 479 • Password: yrQfkcfu562

DV Saturday Racel
Hosted by Meeting Room Three

Saturday, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM | 2 hours | Every Saturday

Meeting number: 621 701 738

Password: yPvu6y855DW (97886985 from phones and video systems)

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 621 701 738



Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



9:30AM - 11:30AM


Domestic Violence 

Meeting Room Two

Meeting number: 2555 562 0926 • Password: kEDpvwPJ335

omestic Violence Saturday
Hosted by Meeting Room Two

Saturday, from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM | 2 hours | Every Saturday

Meeting number: 2555 562 0926​

Password: kEDpvwPJ335 (53378975 from phones and video systems)​​

Join by phone
​+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles)

Access code: 255 556 20926



Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining



11:00AM - 1:00PM


Domestic Violence (Racel)

Meeting Room Three

Meeting number: 628 511 479 • Password: yrQfkcfu562

DV Saturday Racel
Hosted by Meeting Room Three

Saturday, from 11:15 am to 1:15 PM | 2 hours | every Saturday 

Meeting number: 629 816 832

Password: PmYpp8sii66 (76977874 from phones and video systems)

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 629 816 832


Whether joining by mobile phone or computer it is best to install the app first . . . once app is installed, come back and click on the title and it will take you right to the meeting. (when you click on joining