Recovery and Crises

Affordable Online Classes Online Courses 

Healing From A Crisis: Class Outline

In Healing From A Crisis the following topics will be discussed:

  1. Definition of a crisis—what is it, how long does it last, and what are the ramifications of a crisis.
  2. What can be done for individuals, children, and families?
  3. How do professionals take care of themselves?
  4. Handouts to help clients deal with crises.

“A crisis is an opportunity to do the right thing.”


Healing From A Crisis: Introduction

Adversity is a part of life. Nobody gets through it without a setback, devastating loss, or getting punched in the face. It’s possible and even likely that we’ll get hurt, fired, INSERT TERRIBLE LIFE EXPERIENCE OF YOUR CHOICE.

We can’t control an event, but we do get to decide whether we will let our temporary circumstances become our permanent reality or transform adversity into opportunity.

“Crises like COVID 19 tend to bring out the best and worst in humanity.”

Dr. Tedro

World Health Organization

In this class, you will learn

  • What a crisis is, the stages of a crisis, the timeline of a crisis, and appropriate strategies for each stage of a crisis.
  • How and Why violence and abuse escalate during a crisis and suggestions for dealing with this escalation
  • To become aware of the ramifications of a crisis -before (warning signs) during (behaviors) and after (learning and prevention).
  • How to acquire tools for helping self and clients:
  • How to deal with a crisis
  • To be aware of specific indicators of stress in different populations-emotional, physical, and mental.
  • To understand how different age groups react and respond to a crisis
  • To become aware of the short- and long-term ramifications of a crisis.

In addition, there is a discussion of how professional helpers may show signs of distress and how to help these professional helpers.

Also included are handouts for helping clients

At the end of this class, you will:

  • Be aware of what stage of a crisis you are dealing with and make appropriate interventions
  • Have tools for providing immediate and on-going assistance to those in distress
  • Be aware of your own reactions and vulnerability and have resources for dealing with them


This approved on-line Class, meets and/or exceeds the course criteria requirements and qualifications for child welfare services, family court, probation, parole, and most other judicial services, and court ordered and/or otherwise mandatory class, course and/or treatment programs.


  • 24/7 access to your own personal account. 
  • Course progress managment and review
  • 24/7 access to your own personal training course


You have complete access to this course/program via the internet and any connection device. 

  • Smartphone
  • Tablet
  • IPad 
  • Computer
  • Even Library Computers
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Course Information

Estimated Time: 6 Unit/Hour Class

Part 1-What is a Crisis

Part 2-Tremendous Challenge and Incredible Opportunity

Part 3 – Impact of the Outbreak on Individuals and Communities